Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Eric Boehlert: Irony alert! Peggy Noonan is suddenly concerned about civility: Eric Boehlert
- Military Advance: Religious Tolerance On The Upswing At The Air Force Academy | The Wall of Separation – Good news to hear.
- Persecution Planet: Ensuring Freedom Of Conscience Is A World-Sized Problem | The Wall of Separation – For all that we complain about church-state entanglement in the US, we have it better than the majority of the population of the world. The only people who don’t appreciate — or who think that’s not a good thing — are the folks who believe they are part of the present majority that would benefit if church and state became more a single entity in this country.
- Dean No Longer Urging Dems To ‘Kill’ The Bill: ‘Let’s See What They Add To This Bill And Make It Work’ – I keep swinging wildly back and forth on this — there are some bad provisions, some good provisions, and some very ugly compromises here. Net-net, I think it’s a step forward. More importantly, I think it’s a foundation upon which other incremental changes can be made both to correct what was left to or warped here, and to move forward.
- Gingrich Can’t Make Up His Mind On CO2 Emissions: Victor Zapanta
- Keyboard evolution – A rule that made no difference after a while — until Twitter made every byte count. Which is kind of a bass-ackward way to change things.
- It’s all winter fun until someone pulls a gun.: Jim Downey
- Want a Google Reader App for BlackBerry? Let Google Know!: Adam Zeis
- Guilt
- One Hundred Trillion Dollars – This is generally a bad sign for your economy …
- Crime Lab – Heh.
- You don’t have the power – Change is scary. Change is also inevitable. The more Big Publishing tries to fight against the digital revolution, the more likely they are to kill their individual businesses, if not the industry.
- Oldie of the Day. Child Care Instructions (28 pics) » – In fun we trust! Pictures, picdumps, videos, games, celebs, viral content – Some fine parenting advice here …
- GM, in Another Stunning Automotive Success, Kills Off Saab : Mike the Mad Biologist
- Congratulations, Sarah Palin! YOU WON!: shannynmoore
- How Fanboys See Operating Systems — Global Nerdy – Heh. Yeah.
- Hannukah Ham – i remember seeing a “halal” sticker on pork in Singapore once
- The Daily Show and The Colbert Report Going HD in 2010 [Television] – Because, of course, that will make it even funnier. Um …
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I’m deeply worried about the concession over pre-existing conditions. My company’s pathetic excuse for health insurance comes up next June and short of a stunning reversal that brings us millions in income and enough new employees to give us clout with the insurance company, we’re all basically going to have to negotiate individual policies with some company. I have pre-existing conditions and have already been told to expect to have to pay three or four times my current rate (which would amount to 25% or more of my pre-tax income) for coverage that my doctor characterizes as “barely adequate.” I literally cannot wait until 2014.