Feeling myself go through the whole "stages of grief" thing on this. Which seems silly, of course, for a game. But, on the other hand, given the number of years and how much time I've spent on it, is perhaps not surprising.
Firk ding blast!
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The End of City of Heroes | Blog of Heroes
Well … dammit. This morning we announced that Paragon Studios will be taking to the skies of City of Heroes for the last time. In a realignment of company
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I played when this first came out. I gave it about three months, but found the instances to be to repetitive. It sure was fun earning the ability to fly though…
They got over the repetitiousness over time. At least to my taste.
It was a cool idea, and I thought I would come back when City of Villains (that was the first expansion right?) came out, but I was on to something else by then.
I can only imagine what this must be like for you. Kind of like if they cancelled not just your favorite comic, but all comics.
I enjoyed my year in CoH/CoV. It’s the only MMORPG where I actually RPed, and that means that I cared about the characters more than in any other MMO I played. And you’ve lived with your characters far longer.
In the words of T’Pau, “I grieve with thee.”
Thanks, Avo.
Having some grief issues here as well. 🙁