One long-outstanding resolution completed, thank God

Only a few months behind schedule.Finally wrapped up Catspaw with a 5,500 word finale. Thanks to all my loyal readers (and wannabewhenyoufinish readers) for your support, Margie in particular. It’s been a long 14 months, I know.
The final tally, including pre-NaNoWriMo 2002 words, was just over 86k. Yikes.
Now, of course, comes a massive editing job. Writing a story in sequence, with no back-editing as I realize things need to be changed, makes for a lot of story lines that stumble clumsily along and/or vanish mysteriously mid-novel. A lot of words need to be taken out, probably, and a lot of others need to be put in –some better character development for one thing, since there’s a difference between many strung-together scenes that stand well on their own, and a single narrative that can stand on its own.
Or something like that.
So, fair warning, if you decide to read the dagblasted thing (and it’s available on the main page by chapter or as a single download page), it’s anything but polished, though it is, at last, more or less complete.
And in time for January, when Doyce, De and I are doing a mutual editing thang. I fear mine will be the light entertainment of the trio, but I have no illusions as to my own literary aspirations.
It’s good to be done. Now for the hard work.

10 thoughts on “One long-outstanding resolution completed, thank God

  1. Yippee! I was thrilled to find the end of the story waiting for me. It was a little bit sad to know that it was over, though. I always want to know more and more about characters I like. Anyway, thank you so much for posting it, and for continuing after NaNoWriMo ended last year. 🙂

  2. Eek!
    Well, the story will be back, in a New, Improved Form, one of these days.
    And, really, there’s no reason why any of the characters can’t be back some day, either. I mean, Selene’s tale is hardly over …

  3. In fact, at this point, I’m kicking myself for not having made a big print-out of the whole thing, for manual edits, while I was still at the office. Bleah.

  4. Yes, I think the first thing on my mind was “I feel bad for the people who are reading the first draft of this thing….”
    So, please accept my apologies for the mess you’re about to subject yourself to, and thank you for doing it 🙂

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