Not quite as satisfying as novel-writing, but …

… I think I’ve finally gotten the Parish Profile and its Appendix completed, signed, sealed, delivered, approved, vetted, reviewed, second-guessed, word-smithed, argued over, tweaked, polished, revised, saved, PDFed, and ready for posting on our parish website.
Actually, in some ways novel-writing is a lot easier. Or at least less complicated.
And, in some ways, less fraught with peril, be it from parishioners who think you’ve slighted some favorite group of theirs, or misrepresented them the parish, or whatever, or from what you’ve written wrongly playing a direct role in getting the wrong person into the rector’s role.
I’ll post the URL (for those as are interested) once I’ve confirmation that it’s available. I’m sort of proud of the final effort, though there are things I would have done a lot differently, had I had free rein to do so. But I knew this job was dangerous when I took it …
Anyway, now you understand the relative dearth of postage around here today … or, looking at the clock, I guess yesterday is more accurate.
And now to bed, and the sleep of the relatively contented.