“Something Fundamental”

100 Words: Something fundamental has changed…

God and the Devil sat at the poolside bar, one sipping mojitos, the other a G&T.

“Okay, but it’s got to be something big.”

“Limitless wealth?”

“Greed has no bounds. We both know that.”

“Animals talking?”

“You’d do that to poor animals?”

“How about … gender inversion. Men become women. Women become men.”

A long, pause, quiet consideration. “Okay, twenty says the world’s a smouldering cinder by the end of the week.”

“Seven days? How ironic. Fine. Twenty says by Christmas they have World Peace.”

“Talk about ironic. You’re on.”

Remarkably enough – or perhaps not – neither of them won their bet.

100 Words

So I’m trying a new daily exercise — 100 Words. A topic is given, and you have to write precisely 100 words around it. Regulars get to post on the blog; visitors can do it as a comment to the topic post. Nice.

I’m going to see if I can keep it up on a daily basis before I ask for Full Membership. I already did one entry; amusingly, I started writing it in Word, finished about where it felt right, and hit the word counter … and got 100 on the nose. Must be an omen …

Anyway, I’ll be cross-posting the stuff back here, too, for my own records, but I recommend checking out the site and even (if one is so inclined) pitching in.