“First things first”

Today’s 100 Words theme:

You have filled out your registration form, haven’t you? 

My entry:

“Now,” said the defense attorney, “Mister –” He glanced at his notes. “—Minuteman. Is that your birthname?”

“My identity must remain hidden, to protect my loved ones.”

“Of course. Now, you’re a registered hero in New Philadelphia, correct?”

“Wherever the bright light of freedom shines, I am a hero to the people.”

“But, more specifically, you have filled out your Form 47-0105/a, correct?”

“My –”

“Your Nathaniel Act ‘Hero’ registration for the City.”

“I – um – I just moved here and haven’t – I mean, I do have the form, but –”

“Your Honor, I move for an immediate dismissal …”

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