Getting a free proof copy of my NaNoWriMo novel

Evidently has a special deal for folks who finish their novels — a free “proof” copy. Woot! 

We’re overjoyed to learn this year that will once again offering a free proof copy to all our 2009 winners! Yay, CreateSpace! To redeem the offer, you’ll need a special NaNoWriMo winner’s promo code, which we’ll be posting on the “I Wrote a Novel, Now What?” page again, starting December 2. The code will be good for six months.

Here’s how you go about using it:

1) Win NaNoWriMo. Then, starting December 2, sign in to the NaNoWriMo site, and head to the “I Wrote a Novel, Now What?” page. If you’re logged in and a winner, you’ll see a secret CreateSpace code there. Grab it.
2) Go to and create a free member account.
3) Set up your title: you will be asked to fill in information such as title, author name, page count, etc.
4) Submit your title: make sure that your title’s information is accurate and complies with Createspace’s Submission Requirements. Your Submission will be reviewed to ensure it can be printed.
5) When everything’s uploaded and perfect, just request a proof copy and use your discount code at check out. Presto!
After you receive your proof copy, you can then choose if you want to make it available to the public at large—everything from showing up for sale on to complete invisibility.

That’s pretty awesome. Even if it’s still the “first draft.” I don’t expect it will be anything earthshattering, but having it on the shelf there will be kind of spiffy. (I don’t expect, though, to be offering it for sale on Amazon … 😛 )

And another participant joins the fray!

nano_09_ywp_participant_100x100_1Katherine is going to take a stab at the NaNoWriMo thing, under their Young Writer Program. She gets to set her own word goal — her grade level target range is 4-8K, so we’ve set her up at 4K.

She actually has a whole series of ideas, which I will not spoil, but I’m looking forward to seeing and reading over the next month.

Her biggest worry is (big surprise) that she will not apply herself and get through with it.  It’s going to be a very delicate balancing act between between encouraging her to her writing while still not over-pressuring her.

I’ve put a link in the sidebar to her NaNoWriMo page.  Unfortunately, either her ID hasn’t fully processed through the system yet, or they have barriers between the adult and YWP portions of NaNoWriMo, since I can’t seem to send her messages or make her a “Writing Buddy.”

Anyway, a BIG shout-out to Kitten, who is taking the biggest, bravest step of starting.  To November 30th, and beyond!