NaNoWriMo, Day 8 (having missed Day 7)

I never gave an excerpt from yesterday … a flashback …

Which brought us to an unusually pleasant day in June in San Francisco — the Presidio, again, in fact. We sat in a wood-frame classroom building, occupying the front row of tables and chairs, hoping we’d learn enough to not get eaten when it came to it.

l was there, of course. About a million years older than the stupid young guy who’d rushed to enlist after Pearl, but still not feeling like I had all that much to offer. I knew some magic tricks, and had picked up a few others, but the most important “talent” (as the brass kept calling it) was some spotty clairvoyance, the kind of “second sight” that, I hear, got some of my ancesters burned at the steak. It gave me a bit of information about something I was interested in, something I was touching, something that was important. Not reliable, and not really controllable, which kept me from getting too swelled a head or feeling the hero. Just enough to get us in trouble, or to the heart of it, and maybe get us out again.

I’d learn to shoot pretty well, at least.

So, all of a sudden … Perspective Change! And we start writing from the first-person perspective of Chrys.

I’m not sure I have the voice yet … but I’m glad I’m doing it.

And, in that vein:

Uncle Chu was at the fore, rotund and bald and jolly as ever. Most of my uncles and aunties had considered my rearing and protection their duty. Uncle Chu had, so far as I could tell, considered it a joy.

“Uncle,” I said, bowing deeply.

“Oh, none of that, Little Flower,” he said in the Old Tongue, and locked me in a bear hug. I’d no choice but to accept — even if protocol would have allowed anything else, Uncle’s strength was nothing I could do anything but bend before.

“And this,” he went on, letting me go but holding taking my hand protectively, “is the the August Imperial Inspector Fong.”

His name fell in the air like a bell chiming, deep and penetrating, leaving all still within its wake. My eyes widened, despite myself, and I bowed even more deeply. “Most Excellent and August One, welcome to my humble home.”

Kay has been going great guns. Though she skipped last night, she did 450-odd words today, bringing her to 2125 (vs 1500 scheduled). She’s ending up doing a bit of Percy Jackson-ish fanfic (which, we know, is okay), and it’s remarkably well-done stuff.  Go, Kitten, go!