Scrambling toward Thanksgiving

The next couple of days are going to be dicey, between Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, and a post-Thanksgiving game day Friday.  So Kay and I made it a point to come to the Write-In at Panera this evening.

Which was enough to get me to, and beyond, the target 40K for today.  Kay, too, got back into the black (which will be visible in the sidebar graph once I key it into her story and get the official count).  So, yay for us!

“C’mon, Donne. You’re small potatoes, y’know, but I heard of you. Who’s paying you?”

I shrugged. “Couldn’t say, Dino.”

“Don’t give me that shit, Donne.”

If only he knew. “C’mon, Dino. It’s private detective, y’know? If i start telling any guy who asks, I might as well call myself a public detective, right?”

“Maybe I’m not just any guy, y’know?”

“If I worked for you, would you want me telling people that?”

“Fair enough. Other hand, would your employer rather have you dead then revealing who the fuck they are?”

Well, there was a loaded question.

So, I still have to do some writing work tomorrow (and Friday), but I’m confident we can make it happen.  And the final mad rush toward Tuesday and 50K.

Will the story be finished by then?  Doesn’t seem likely.  Which is its own future challenge for December …

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