Counting words …

Still a ton to do, but Tuesday is a-coming quickly …

I’ll be seeking out the normal 50K goal (or a rough equivalence thereto), but what to do for Kay?  Given the guidance here, she should be doing 1,200 – 3,000 words … but, heck, she did a 5,000 word goal last year, easy-peasy (which is mid-range 8th grade).

So it seems like she’ll be going for a 5,000 word count again this year.

It also seems like we’ll be doing the Google Docs approach again.  Kay’s mid-way between transitioning from longhand to typing, but GDocs worked well for me last year (everywhere I wanted to write had WiFi, and on those occasions where they did not, I still managed okay).

One thought on “Counting words …

  1. Pingback: Tweets from 2011-10-30 | ***Dave Does the Blog

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