And we’re off to the races!

Kay and I started our Day 1 NaNoWriMo effort late, but we managed to push through regardless.

I cranked out 1,746 words, vs the 1,667 I “owed”.  Kay did 197 vs her 167 (the mathematical advantage of our goals being an order of magnitude apart).

It was hard getting back into the saddle — especially mid-story (for those just coming in, I’m continuing the novel I was writing last year).  Unfortunately, the notes I thought had some upcoming bits, as well as the secret behind the whole mystery … didn’t.  I still know, more or less, the metaplot, but now I honestly don’t recall Whodunnit.  Should be interesting.

One day down — 29 more to go!

My NaNoWriMo page.

When you write, write

Some good-sounding advice from Doyce: Toss It In the Water

That’s what I’ve found in writing. Do the thing you want to do. Do it as well as you can. But don’t get ahead of what you’re doing and start thinking about what this thing will do.

It has to be before it can do anything.

Throw it out in the water. It’ll sort itself out.

What’s all this throwing-in-the-water stuff mean?  Read the post.