Let ‘er roll!

The irksome thing about NaNoWriMo, like so much of life, is that you set a whole bunch of short-term goals — “1.667 words today!” — that you succeed at and celebrate … and then face the same thing coming down the conveyor belt again. And again. And, yeah, next day, again.

Sure, there’s that “end of the month” thing, but that’s not a potential surcease, just another goal hurtling toward you, to get the story done, to get things wrapped up, to hit that daunting 50,000 words and have made it all worth it.

And, especially of if you feel like you’re just staying steady with the plot of your tale — thinking of things to write “just in time,” then it all starts to feel like the “Lucy at the Candy Factory” routine …

No particular words of wisdom here — just feeling the mid-month crunch. And, honestly, I had no idea I had so much more to write about in this novel, or that I wouldn’t substantially have advanced the plot by now … eek! — which I suppose will happen when I think of where the plot is actually going.