
So I’m at 37K now, huzzah.  That leaves me to do 2,600 words a day to hit 50K.  That’s a couple of hours, really.

  • Sunday: A day without work (except for some home improvement projects that need doing, plus a podcast I need to kick out). A matter of scheduling.
  • Monday: Work! Bleah!
  • Tuesday: Last Write-In of the season.  I’m usually leaving these with at least 3K (I hit 4K today), so that’s good.
  • Wednesday: In-laws back home, wife off with her friend shopping — sounds like a great opportunity for a Bataan Writing March.
So it’s probably doable, with some elbow grease — but here’s the neat  (or annoying, or both) thing:
I’m growing less interested in the “winning” 50K, and more in completing the story. Because I can see it, really.  I know the murderer. Roger has figured out who (in general) did the murder.  Chrys has figured out the murderer (and just had a close encounter with same).  And all the threads are converging.
And there will be a final go-around, and a battle (maybe), and some loose ends tied up with the police (probably) and the Feds (possibly), and the Other Clients (most likely), and a romantic conclusion for our detective couple (for this installment, at least … maybe … probably … unless I need a hook for next novel).
So as these things start to gel, I’m feeling more excited. Which will probably help the word count, but which also makes me a  lot less worried about the word count than in being done. With a story I’m fairly satisfied with (but which needs a lot of revision, multiple passes).  And to me, that’s of more value than hitting some magical 50K, whether it happens before or after 30 November.
Though I still want that award sticker …