And we’re off to the races!

Kay and I started our Day 1 NaNoWriMo effort late, but we managed to push through regardless.

I cranked out 1,746 words, vs the 1,667 I “owed”.  Kay did 197 vs her 167 (the mathematical advantage of our goals being an order of magnitude apart).

It was hard getting back into the saddle — especially mid-story (for those just coming in, I’m continuing the novel I was writing last year).  Unfortunately, the notes I thought had some upcoming bits, as well as the secret behind the whole mystery … didn’t.  I still know, more or less, the metaplot, but now I honestly don’t recall Whodunnit.  Should be interesting.

One day down — 29 more to go!

My NaNoWriMo page.

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  1. Pingback: NaNoWriMo – And we're off to the races! | ***Dave Does the Blog

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