Meanwhile, in Kay’s tale …

So amidst my own writing, I’ve been serving as typist for Katherine on her YWP effort.  She chose to do a 5K tale this year — above the age-recommended level (3600), but the same as last year.  That’s let her cruise a bit; as the sidebar graph shows, she’s been blasting ahead at the Write-Ins, and then doing nothing in-between (like me, but moreso — but, yeah, I’ve been a bad influence).

But she’s also doing it written longhand, still being slower at typing than handwriting (not through lack of encouragement on our part). And, at that, she’s beating some of the adult typists at Word Wars …

And as I’ve been typing up her story, I’ve been damned impressed by her turns of phrase.  Even if she’s lifting bits and pieces from other things she’s reading (excuse me, that’s called an homage), and even if I need to do a bit of spell-correction, it’s still pretty cool that it’s falling from her pencil that way:

Will didn’t think he could stand that kind of rejection, so he kept on treading slowly, with his head down, with the weapons and shield weighing him down, sapping his remaining strength.

That’s pretty spiffy, if you ask me.

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