Almost caught up

Calvin & Hobbes - moodI won’t say it was a marathon, but I cranked out another 2,500 words plus today, to bring me to just over 16K, or about 700 words behind where I should be.  Which is close enough for today’s effort, since I’d like to spend some time with my wife this weekend. 🙂

That, and a big cliff-hanger, protagonists in conflict, a dagger at the throat (or a close analog thereto), and … what happens next?!

Actually, I know what happens next, which is kind of neat.

My rough outline isn’t exactly in tatters, but events have occurred somewhat out of order on it — faster in some places, but with room to circle back.  Plus there’s another subplot I haven’t put in yet.

And here we are, a third of the way through — go, NaNos, go!

Write! Write like the wind!

Will-write-for-chocolate-nanowrimoSo I hit 3,087 words today. Out of an average daily needed count of 1,700. Yay, me!

Except, of course, I blew off Thursday and Friday. So really needed 5,100 words to catch up.

Ah, well. I’m happy(ish) with the 3K words I managed. I’ll deal with tomorrow (and its additional 1,700 words to keep up to pace) … tomorrow.

In the meantime, I’ve asked Margie to read what I have to date. Never mind that one character is someone she’s roleplayed in a game previously, and another character is … well, the wife and co-protagonist in the story. I’m sure she’ll enjoy it and provide positive, supportive, altogether happy-happy input!