Wait, what, it’s NaNoWriMo time?

Confusing Road SignI don’t think I’ve ever been as unprepared for National Novel Writing Month as this year.

My current unemployment status has me way off-kilter, mentally and emotionally (yes, boo-hoo, suck it up, Dave). But despite hypothetically having a lot of time on my hands, I really not quite sure what to do (options noted below) about NaNoWriMo this year.

Add to that we just spent this weekend off in California at a wedding, returning home tonight. So a truly dedicated NaNoist would be immediately at the keyboard, working on Day 1’s first 1700 words, right?

Yeah, not really happening tonight.

So I have three options of what I can do this month:

  1. I have been working my first Donne & Donne novel through an (excellent) virtual writing group over the last year and a half. We’re about half-way through, and there are some significant structural changes that clearly need to take place. So I could be doing an NaNoReWriteMo to tackle that.
  2. I have a story idea that I’ve been playing around with in my brain for a while. In fact, I wrote some broad backstory notes a few months back. And then I wrote about 1200 words of the story (which contradicted the backstory notes). And then I wrote some more notes. So there’s that. But I really don’t have an outline, the note are all contradictory, and I’m not sure it’s even a good idea.
  3. I could just skip the whole thing, which is awfully tempting, but I really feel would be the wrong decision for a variety of reasons.

I don’t know what the answer is (at various times the past few days either 1 or 2 have seemed the obvious conclusion, with 3 whispering in the background), but whatever my decision, I’m going to start a day behind.

Yeah, it looks like it’s going to be one of those years.