“Family Ties”

100 Words:  The sins of the father …  My entry:

The figure stood in the doorway, menacing without actually moving.  Roger could feel a chill roiling through the air, a smell of earth and jasmine.  The traffic sounds from the street faded out.

“I am come for your wife, Mr. Donne.”

“Not here tonight.  Something I can do?”

“I seek her heart.”

“Sorry, she gave it to me and I’m pretty stingy with it.” He eyed the door, and regretted once again the lack of fire escape in the office.

“I will have vengeance.”

“Any particular reason?”

“I know … her father.”

“I know him, too.  He’s an asshole.  You have my sympathies.”

2 thoughts on ““Family Ties”

  1. Heh. In the next scene, as I picture it, the gloomy robed figure and Donne are knocking back scotches and comparing stupid things the dad’s done.

  2. “Always leave room for an enemy to become a friend.” 🙂
    Not sure it would go that far, but it would certainly provide an opportunity to discuss things a bit further.

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