The light at the end of the tunnel is actually approaching, not receding

Okay, so I started the day needing to do a daunting 2600 words plus a day in order to hit the 50K mark.

This afternoon I wrote for a couple of hours, and banged out 1600.  That was all I could manage.  Not promising.  I mean, a good score, if I’d done that daily, but at this point of the game, it was too little, too late.

Just look at that NaNoWriMo calendar widget over there. Way too many “red” days.  Hoist on my own lazy petard.

Tonight, though … everyone else went to bed early.  So I hit the keyboard … and banged out another 1500.


That’s 3,151 words for the day.  And breaking the 40K mark.

That’s cause for celebration. And optimism.

Better yet, not only did I advance the plot to the climactic scene (I think), I even have an idea how the good guys are going to get out of their mess. Which will still leave a lot of loose ends (Will the mob lay off? How about the police? What will Colonel Phillips say about this? Will Inspector Fong be satisfied? Will Uncle Chu eat them both? And what about Naomi?) but that’s just gravy.

I think I can … I think I can … I think I can …

One thought on “The light at the end of the tunnel is actually approaching, not receding

  1. Pingback: Tweets from 2011-11-28 | ***Dave Does the Blog

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