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These are artists who I go ga-ga over. If the stories they are
supporting don't hold up, I may not keep buying -- but having them on a book I
enjoy, or think I might enjoy, and it's a sure bet.
Some of these folks also write, but -- well, I'm glad they draw.
Links are, where present, to major fan sites or the creator's
home page. I am surprised by those I could not find pages for. Even
so, most of those yield up to a web search for miscellaneous interviews or news
melds lots of detail with a cartoony sort of flare to make for a
delightful combination. He has a problem with feet, sometimes, but,
hell, so do I. |
of Photo-realistic Noir. I love this guy's stuff. I'd almost
buy a comic just because he was doing the cover. Almost. He's
been doing some great stuff lately on covers for Punisher and Hellblazer. |
clean, bright style brings elegance to anything he does. His Excalibur
run was the best in the series, and I thought his work on the Avengers
and The Nail was marvelous as well. |
specialty is a distinctive, realistic look to the figures he draws.
He's had successful and popular runs on Gen13, Supergirl,
his own shortlived Kin, and on Joe
Straczynski's Midnight
One of the great under-appreciated artists of our time. Like
Arthur Adams, he combines a cartooning feeling with an eye to
detail. I've enjoyed him ever since his early work on Micronauts,
thought his Bucky O'Hare was a lot of fun, and believe he did one of
the best Doctor Strange issues and Avengers annuals (the
intro of the New Brotherhood of Evil Mutants) on record. I wish he'd be given the
opportunity to do more in the industry. |
so he does great pin-ups, okay? Give me a break. As his
website says, "Art to make you go AH!" Good stuff.
He can draw covers for me (esp. on Wonder Woman) any time. |
wins the award as "Artist I'd Most Like To Draw Like." Not
only is his stuff beautiful in detail, but he's a reliable producer, and
does fabulously with crowd shots. A fan favorite of the "silent
majority." His work on multiple generations of The Avengers
is a stand-out in that series long history. |
was the first artist to really hit it big with a photo-realistic style in
paint. He still regularly wins fan awards as best painter, and with
good reason. His work on Marvels, Kingdom Come, and the
covers for Astro City are all gems. |
Smith's simple, clean, almost dancing style made him one
of the best artists on the X-Men (not to mention Dr. Strange) in the 80s, and he continues to
produce some marvelous stuff today. Recent work includes The
Golden Age and Leave It to
Chance. |
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