Aladris Art

[This page last changed 02 Dec 2001 ]

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Aladris Art

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This page has artwork related to Aladris.  Click the thumbnails for the "full-sized" images.

Click for larger image.Original art I drew for the STST campaign.  "A Bolt from the Blue."

If Aladris were an Image comic book character ...art_amber-aladris-cartoon.jpg (8586 bytes)

Click for larger imageMore original art ... the initial drawing of Aladris the NPC (she's the one on the left, duh).  This was one of the invites I drew for the original game she appeared in (back when I had no life and hand-drew invites for each game).  For those who've read the story, the other two folks are Elden and Tone.

Still more original art ... an early version of Aladris (she's the one flipping the dagger around, as is her wont).

Click for larger image.And yet another Aladris (and Company), doing her grim 'n' gritty combat thing.

Except as otherwise noted, this page and its contents are
Copyright © 2001 by Dave Hill

Link to it if you want, but please let me know.