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As almost goes without saying for someone with a web site like this, I spend a lot of time on the Net.  As part of the Internet Community, I also am a contributor to its content (beyond the realm of just these pages).

I run a humor list called FYA, "For Your Amusement."  To subscribe, go here.

I have a quotations database page, too -- WIST, "Wish I'd Said That."  Click the word balloon below to go to that page.


If you want to sign up for a quote from WIST more-or-less daily, go here.

I am a List Manager on Belief-L, a mailing list that discusses Personal Ideologies.  Sometimes it's silly, sometimes it's probing, nearly alway it's interesting.  

Being a List Manager is an experience varies between being an Elder Statesman and Kindergarten Cop. Still, I count a number of folks on that List as personal friends, including a few I've never had the opportunity to meet face-to-face.

The Web is truly an incredible place.

I play a number of Play-by-E-Mail games.  I actually run the web page for one, To Reign in Hell.  Click on the attractive logo below to see what it looks like.

I also run the web page for our church, Good Shepherd Episcopalian.  Click on the logo to go there.

 This page last updated 30-Apr-02

This page and its contents, 
unless otherwise noted, are 
Copyright © 2001 by David C. Hill

Questions?  Comments?  Kudos?  Brickbats?  E-mail me.