Discretion, of course, is necessary. If I started writing things like, “Boy, that friend of mine, Joe, he’s sure smells bad.” Or like, “And so, when nobody was looking, I took that notebook computer from the Help Desk and brought it home for keeps.” If I started writing things like that, it might be … embarrassing. Because it would guarantee that Joe, and my Boss, would both end up viewing my blog. Can’t have that.
So. Discretion. That still leaves a lot to talk about. Life. The Universe. Jokes. The significance of 47. And if Joe and my Boss (not their real names, of course) should happen to read this — hi, guys.
I don’t see this blog as being as successful as Some I Know. For one thing, I doubt I’ll be able to maintain a steady stream of discussion. Sure, this has a big advantage over a hardcopy journal, to wit, I can get to it anywhere I can get to an Internet connection. Which makes it a lot more handy than my journal was. Still … my life is busy. And, frankly, when there are people around, I do better writing to them, or talking to them, directly. If I post stuff in my blog, then have to e-mail people saying, “Hey, check out my blog!” … well, that seems a bit redundant.
Five, five, five, let’s talk about five
Five … freaking … years? Wow. <1930s radio announcer voice>It’s August 24th, 2001, and Dave’s wife is over at Doyce’s house for a bi-weekly RPG game. Doyce has been doing…