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Long day

Long day. Off to church in the morning. More about that some day. Then to our usual Sunday brunch at Le Peep. Katherine’s table manners continue to improve, which is…

Long day.

Off to church in the morning. More about that some day.

Then to our usual Sunday brunch at Le Peep. Katherine’s table manners continue to improve, which is nice. There are some ways in which I would not at all complain if she “grew up so fast.” Eating is one. The end result is another.

(I asked my Mom once how long it would be until I could have intelligible conversations with my children. She suggested 30 years as a good round number.)

Then afterwards, off to CompUSA to see if I could get a new D-Link USB wireless NIC. The PC Card version I have has died for unknown reasons. I’ve used the upstairs USB version with great success, but Margie is understandably annoyed when we can’t print any longer (it also has some affect on her dial-up to her office).

Well, CompUSA doesn’t carry the D-Link line in wireless. In theory, 802.11b-compatible cards/units should be compatible with each other. On the other hand, I’ve dealt with enough Ethernet equipment that didn’t work and play well with others that I don’t want to screw around with it. So I’ll mail order it.

Then off to the Nursery (Arapahoe Acres). I got a bug up my butt (metaphorically speaking) about dealing with the “New Side Yard.” This is the section of the side yard (western side) between the fence/gate and the concrete slab. I decided this Spring that I would turn this into garden yard, rather than the dirt, mulch, and haserei that had accumulated there. I discovered, after some digging, there was actually a sprinkler buried down at that end of the yard (and slowly leaking).

So we went to the nursery (which is a great place to buy trees, though we didn’t, though we will eventually). Picked up a nice rose, various shrubs, etc. Went home and started off at 2 p.m., with a 5 p.m. quasi-deadline — since the first thing I did was fix the sprinkler head, and the sprinklers were due to kick off at 5.

Disconnected the old patch of fence and moved it down to the end of the slab, doing a quickie connection to the fence there (not permanent by any means, but it should hold up to wind and weather, if not Jake). Started digging up dirt, distributing the mulch piles there, fixing the sprinker wire that the original installer buried all of two frickin’ inches below the surface, etc. Then planting. Then mulching. I’d have not made the deadline, but I overrode the sprinkler control and bought myself an extra hour.

Fortunately we have plenty of Advil.

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