An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of, which means 4-day weekends. And that’s enough numbers. Suffice it to say that it was nice not working today.
Margie went in, though, so I’m Mr. Mom this morning. Which isn’t bad. Aside from occasionally becoming clingy, Katherine’s a good Squiggy.
Got to work on my web page (which is progressing nicely, save my inability to FTP the damned thing up to my web site. I don’t know if that’s a DollarHost problem, or a too-many-hops problem between my notebook and them. Irritating.).
[Oops. Had to read to Katherine, change Katherine, and put her down for a nap.]
In the meantime, watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, and (on AMC), Ft. Apache. The second Indy outing is only watchable as an Indy movie. John Ford’s western is good stuff, though, with Henry Fonda, John Wayne, and black-and-white glory.