We have fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror of our mini-van.
Our friends find this most amusing, so they tell me.
They originally came from Margie, who I assume, in her carefree single days, hung them from the mirror of her sportly little Fiat Spider convertible.
Now for a confession: I don’t really know what fuzzy dice symbolize.
I mean, I have a general contextual understanding that they are kind of a wild, young, sporty, “taking risks,” “hot stuff,” “lookin’ for action” kind of thing. Which is why I hung them on our sedate, suburban, yuppyvan, since the root of most humor is absurdity … and because we hate to think that we are completely domesticated, even with the Squig.
But that’s all contextual guesswork. I was never in a crowd as a youth that did the fuzzy dice thing, so if they actually mean, “I am soliciting sex, honk twice if you are cute,” I am, perhaps, doing something a bit odd. Though Margie would be allowing it, which is disturbing in either case. So I assume that my contextual guesswork is pretty much on target.