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Doyce passes on today, via Xkot, et al., that Rush Limbaugh, of all people, has lambasted Falwell & Robertson for their finger-pointing comments last week. The originals of Rush’ comments…

Doyce passes on today, via Xkot, et al., that Rush Limbaugh, of all people, has lambasted Falwell & Robertson for their finger-pointing comments last week. The originals of Rush’ comments can be found here.

To quote the Rushster:

For the most part this terrible event has brought out the best in Americans… But there are some, unfortunately, in which this disaster has brought out the worst. Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson and the Reverend Jerry Falwell are two such individuals. …
Suggestions of this kind are one of the reasons why all conservatives get tarred and feathered with this extremist, bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic label or image that isn’t true. The words of Robertson and Falwell are not the words of all conservatives – they are the words of Robertson and Falwell. … All I can say is I was profoundly embarrassed and disappointed by their comments. They can try to take them back all they want, but the bottom line is that their words are indefensible.

Double-dittos, Rush. And, based on the site photo, congrats on shedding a few pounds.

I’m not a Rush fan. I think he is plain wrong on a number of things, and I find I can listen to about five minutes of him before I start popping blood vessels and have to change the station before I drive myself into the center divider.

Still, kudos to him for this. And I don’t think it’s just conservative ass-covering or trying to ride the wave of folks who are also torqued by F&R’s vitriol. I think he really feels this way.

Doyce made the comment that “these two are moral equals to the creatures that killed thousands last week” I have to disagree:

  1. Falwell and Robertson might like to see the folks and ideas they dislike be outlawed or, at most, thrown in jail, but I’ve seen no indication that they’d blow up thousands of innocent people to do it.
  2. At least the “creatures” in question held their vile opinions with such strength that they were willing to die for them. Falwell and Robertson are both furiously backpedalling from their comments. (Though, to be fair, given that the responsible parties for the attacks have not actually announced their identity and their purpose, they, too, can be considered gutless. C’mon guys, step forward to the mike — we’ll still respect you even when you’re just a smouldering puddle of grease.)

I had a third point, but it vanished into the Pool of Snot which is my Head while I was typing the first two.

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