I’m actually sorry I missed Bush’s speech last night. Evidently it was — well, not spectacular, but a lot better of a speech than most people thought him capable of.
It sounds like bin Laden is the target of the hour, going beyond “prime suspect” into the realm of “we want him, give him to us, or face the consequences” messages to the Taliban. There’s further sabre-rattling going on, and indications are we may see air and missle strikes Real Soon Now.
Which is stupid, because those are just the things to be least likely against terrorist groups like this, but most effective at hurting innocents.
The Taliban, of course, are saying, “Show us the evidence,” though there’s certainly reason to believe they’re being disingenuous in their request. No such evidence seems to be forthcoming, though, which either means it’s Secret, and revealing it would endanger the sources we got it from, or else it’s not convincing, and the Administration is moving forward with this simply to be seen as Doing Something.
I sure hope it’s the former.