Phantomy Goodness
Watched our new Star Wars I – The Phantom Menace DVD last night.
Yeah, it’s still a fun movie.
Yeah, the Gungans are goofy. But less goofy than the Ewoks.
Yeah, there’s something a little — wrong about the Padme/Annakin relationship.
Yeah, the Battle of the Dark ‘n’ Light Jedi is still really cool.
Yeah, the destruction of the Droid Control Ship is still silly.
Yeah, the beginning crawl is still pretty … uninvolving.
Yeah, the landscapes/cityscapes are still incredible. (Though the Naboo Throne City strangely looks like something that should be at Epcot.)
Yeah, Watto (the flying salvage trader) seems disturbing … Levantine. And the Trade Federation reps sound kind of … Oriental.
Yeah, the Naboo cruiser rocks.
Yeah, the added footage (during the race, mostly, but in a few other places) is neat, though it doesn’t really add to the movie much.
Yeah, the droid armies are just ineffective enough to explain why they aren’t around “any more.” But fun to watch, anyway.
Yeah, there were a couple of odd digital glitches (hesitations) during the film.
Yeah, Qui-gon seems awfully reckless. Yeah, Obi-wan seems pretty snotty. But, nah, I kind of like Annakin more now than I once did.
I understand the extras on the DVD are pretty incredible. I look forward to watching the rest.
Good movie. I think it will be a re-watcher. Bring on Episode II!