Stats4You is going to a paid service, so my free service to see who’s linked here is going away. Or so says the e-mail I received today.
The e-mail, annoyingly enough, did not indicate what the new price is.
This is the way the Net is going, of course. Things which were free in hopes of drawing folks into more elaborate paid services, or which were free and tried to get their money back from banner ads, are either closing down, or going to fully paid. TANSTAAFL, but it’s still annoying.
Looking it up, the basic service is $5/month ($60/year, actually). Which is not much, but is still annoying.
I could try ExtremeStats, though I had problems making that work earlier. I could figure out how to read my own web logs, too. Or I could just abandon this sort of vanity info.
Sh’yeah, right.