A leading Jewish rabbi in Israel has declared that all gays should be killed.
Rabbi David Batzri told the Israeli Ma`ariv newspaper that homosexuals should be “put to death” according to Jewish religious law.
Batzri added: “Homosexuals and lesbians are not only a sickness, they are an abomination which should be removed from every city in the country, also from those districts where they feel protected, like in Tel Aviv.”
Yeah, that will work. Perhaps you could build some camps for them.
Mercifully, the message has been met with outrage from various quarters (including other rabbis).
(Via JillMatrix)
Irony {‘I(-&)r-nE}
1 : incongruity between a situation developed in a drama and the accompanying words or actions that is understood by the audience but not by the characters in the play
gotta love that ego god – that vengeful hateful diety that allows us to kill others in his name.
‘why are you so full of hate?’ ‘because the bible tells me so…. ‘
Yeah, well, humanity has never lacked for ideologies to draw on for excuses to kill — whether it’s self-serving interpretations of Jehovah or the Marxist battle on behalf of the proletariat.
Maybe the rabbi is part-owner of a leather lampshade concern.