Okay, green ketchup? Maybe. Purple? A reach, but not beyond the Pale.
But now Heinz is messing with French Fries. And the results aren’t pretty.
The new products include French fries flavored with sour cream and chives, or cinnamon and sugar, and a new product called Crunchy Rings – basically Tater Tots with a hole in the middle.
Then there’s Kool Blue – a sky blue seasoned French fry, and Cocoa Crispers — a brown chocolate fry designed “for kids with a sweet tooth.”
Chocolate. French Fries. Just roll that around your palate for a while.
“We asked the kids what would make them want to eat more French fries,” said John Carroll, managing director of North American potatoes and snacks for Heinz’ frozen food division.
Because, of course, that’s what the US needs — more fry-snorting kids.
One of the rejected ideas was Fruit Loops-flavored fries, Carroll said.
There is a God.
(Via Words Mean Things)