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That’s, um, an interesting, ah, theory

Was it greed? Was it a lack of business ethics? Was it lack of regulatory oversight, or lawmakers paying back their contributors, or just a sign of the crazy 90s…

Was it greed? Was it a lack of business ethics? Was it lack of regulatory oversight, or lawmakers paying back their contributors, or just a sign of the crazy 90s finally crashing to the ground?

No, the fall of Enron was because of … same-sex domestic partnership benefits.

Uh-huh. Right.

At least that’s the theory of Warren Smith, who runs a string of Christian newspapers across the southeast.

But, he says that a small minority of corporate — social engineers — often found in the human resources and public relations departments of our largest companies have played a part in creating a culture in Corporate America that encourages its leaders to make up the rules as they go along….
In his weekly editorial Smith says: “Nowhere is this attitude more in evidence than in the battle over same-sex domestic partnerships in large corporations. According to the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign, a near majority of the Fortune 500 companies now offer same-sex domestic partner benefits to employees. And — not incidentally — all of the “Big Five” accounting firms (including Arthur Andersen) now offer same-sex benefits.”
“Why is this significant? It is significant because every one of the Fortune 500, and every one of the “Big Five” accounting firms, do business in places where homosexual behaviour — sodomy — is illegal. In other words, these companies have corporate policies that condone — if not outright encourage — illegal behaviour.”

And that, Smith says, is what led to the downfall of Enron.

I’m glad we have that settled.

(Via Trance Gemini)

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2 thoughts on “That’s, um, an interesting, ah, theory”

  1. It’s not exactly a secret I don’t personally (loud keyword there) agree with homosexuality. Nor do I agree with same-sex marriages. But that’s my personal belief, and not neccessarily anyone elses, right?


    It gets harder by the nano-second to be a Christian and actually have people believe you can act and think in sane ways.

    I could rant for days here, but this be your site, mi amigo. So, screeding rant over for now.

  2. As a Christian who has no problem with whatever gender folks choose to make nookie with, and who thinks that supposedly pro-marriage folks ought to wake up and smell the coffee before their institution is obsoleted by “domestic partnership” stuff, I’m even more screed-inclined than you about this sort of idiocy.

    But I’ll try to restrain my own rants for the nonce, too, and simply poke fun at folks like the subject of this particular blog. They’ll only learn to shut up when the only reaction they get is pointing and sniggering.

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