It’s the fresh, vibrant, new, improved Friday Five!
1. What shampoo do you use?
Whatever’s on sale that doesn’t cause Margie to break out in a rash. That means it’s likely to be bulk, it’s likely to be lightly, if at all, scented, it’s likely to last us for a while, and it’s likely to be something different next time.
2. Do you use conditioner? What kind?
Yes, I do, though my hair is not exactly unmanageable at this point. As to what kind, see #1.
3. When was the last time you got your hair cut?
Probably four or five weeks ago, at Margie’s hands. I need to do it this weekend, since my folks are coming to visit next.
4. What styling products do you use?
Um … shampoo, conditioner, and hair cuts? Not much left to style after that … which is one reason I have it cut this short.
5. What’s your worst hair-related experience?
Its long, gradual, thinning-out on top?
Having to chop off my pony tail when I got married (Margie had some silly but irrefutable reasoning about “photographs” and “timeless appeal” and “you really don’t want folks laughing at our wedding snapshots in years to come)?
My hair has never been terribly easy to manage, and it’s not something I’ve been willing to dedicate my life to keeping under control, so back when I wore it longer it was prone to looking pretty shaggy. I do have a recollection of having to get a picture taken (driver’s license?) after it had been through a minor wind storm and was looking like I belonged down at the Mission …
6. BONUS UNSOLICITED QUESTION: What are you doing this weekend?