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Man with a Monday Mission

Because I don’t have enough else to do (just kidding), it’s the Monday Mission 2.20: 1. When was the last time you went out with a true love of yours?…

Because I don’t have enough else to do (just kidding), it’s the Monday Mission 2.20:

1. When was the last time you went out with a true love of yours? What did you two do that made it so special?

Not counting going out to Spider-Man or Star Wars in the past week, it would be for our anniversary, I think. We went to Le Central and had a wonderful, romantic dinner, just the two of us. That’s all it takes to make it special.

2. Which far-away friend would you most like to see again?

Bunker, Miller, Kurt & Marina, all “live” friends from the past I’d like to see again. A handful of folks from high school that I lost touch with.

Heck, I can even see seeing my ex, Cheryl, some time — talk about old times and new times. I still consider her my friend, despite the, ah, strain in a relationship that divorce can entail. I have, needless to say, no romantic interest in her, and I don’t see making a habit of reunions or anything like that. But since I spent about fifteen years knowing, going with, or married to her, it’s not like I can just excise the whole relationship. And she seems to be doing a lot better, lately …

3. Any high or low points about this past weekend? What went on?

Actually, the weekend went quite in line with plans. The high points were probably seeing AotC, going to the church picnic, and getting plants planted in the yard. Low point was probably the stresses and strain of doing the Star Wars game where I was the only pre-AotC person who cared about staying “unspoiled.”

4. I’ve been thinking about getting a buzz-cut for the summer, a big change for me. Have you ever made any drastic changes to your appearance?

Probably the most drastic was getting my hair cut quite short last year. Haven’t regretted it since.

5. How long do you think a couple should date before they get married? Or if you are married, do you think you should have waited longer to get hitched?

Margie and I knew each other 15 years, and dated for a few before we married. I don’t think we rushed into anything.

My opinion? Anything under a two year courtship is rushing things.

6. I just found out my long-time friend does not like Star Wars (!) and has only seen the original 1977 movie! Have you ever discovered anything new or shocking about a long-time friend you thought you knew everything about?


But I’m not going to discuss it here …

7. Well we had a nice picnic and saw the sunset, but now it’s dark and I think we should liven things up. Let’s call some of your friends and go out. Who do you want to invite and where should we all go?

Hey, I’d love to see Lord of the Rings again. Let’s call Jackie and Doyce. Maybe Randy and Rey & Jules, too. Then we can go to Red Robin and eat fries and drink vanilla cokes. Woo-hoo! Live it up! What a party animal!

BONUS: Why can’t ya be good to me?

Because you’ve been bad. Very, very bad. And now I must spank you …

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4 thoughts on “Man with a Monday Mission”

  1. Kurt and Marina?

    Any chance this is Marina Fournier, who lives in Santa Cruz?

    It’d just be freaky coincidence, but I can’t imagine there are a lot of couples named Kurt & Marina…

  2. Yup. ‘Twould be her and them. Met Kurt RPGing a number of years ago in Southern California, attended their wedding, paid them many visits in Santa Cruz before we moved out to Colorado.

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