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It’s the Tuesday Thang

Or, more properly, the Tuesday Things: 1. What are you thinking right how? Man, I need to go to the bathroom before that next call. Oh, look, the Tuesday Things…

Or, more properly, the Tuesday Things:

1. What are you thinking right how?

Man, I need to go to the bathroom before that next call. Oh, look, the Tuesday Things is up. I should do that first …

2. What’s your greatest fear?

Disappointing people.

3. Coke or Pepsi?

Coke. Bitter is better.

4. What is your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas. Good religious contemplation combined with family gatherings and gifts. Hard to go wrong there.

5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wouldchuck could chuck wood?

About 700 lbs. Or maybe not.

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One thought on “It’s the Tuesday Thang”

  1. 1. What are you thinking right how? How good it is to be living in this day and age.

    2. What’s your greatest fear? Lately, burning to death. What a horrible way to go.

    3. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi. The taste of a new generation.

    4. What is your favorite holiday and why? I’m going with Christmas as well. Seeing the daughter and wife happy with the presents I bought makes me feel great. But I do leave the gift receipt in the box, just in case.

    5. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wouldchuck could chuck wood? Probably not much….no thumbs.

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