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Sanity and justice — would you like fries with that?

Who’da thunk it? A federal judge has actually dismissed a suit against McDonald’s by some obese teens (and their, ah, ambitious attorney). “Nobody is forced to eat at McDonald’s,” the…

Who’da thunk it? A federal judge has actually dismissed a suit against McDonald’s by some obese teens (and their, ah, ambitious attorney).

“Nobody is forced to eat at McDonald’s,” the judge declared. “Except, perhaps, parents of small children who desire McDonald’s food, toy promotions or playgrounds and demand their parents’ accompaniment.”

I will be the first person to admit that I do not eat the most optimally healthy diet, and that includes various artery-busting treats from McDonald’s.

But that’s my decision. The day I claim that McDonald’s is at fault for my weight because, damn, their food was so tempting and they didn’t wrestle me to the ground and make me sign an informed consent form before wolfing down some fries, the collected readership here has permission to dunk my head in a deep fat fryer.

(via Andrea)

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One thought on “Sanity and justice — would you like fries with that?”

  1. Could this be the begining of the return to sanity of our judicial system? Will people actually start holding themselves accountable for what they put into their bodies? Best of all, will class action, blood sucking leaches….I mean lawers be on street corners, holding signs saying “Will litigate for food”? I can hardly wait.

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