So, who invented [Ctrl-Alt-Delete] to reboot (or, these newfangled days, call up the Task List for) a computer? Dave Bradley, who seems to have created a cottage industry in giving speeches about the invention (as well as other Olde Days in the PC Biz topics).
(More on the story here.)
(via GeekPress)
I need to get more information about you. I need to find out 1.What company did you work for when you invented
the “three-fingered salute”(IBM?)
2. How long did you work for them?
3. What was your job title when you left the company?
I thought I had all the answers but the questions confused me. I thought you are still working with IBM as engineer but I just want to clearfy it. I know you are busy, but I would really appreciate for your reply. Thank you
Young Kim
Um … I’m not the gentleman in question. Sorry.