The American Family Association, a conservative (to charitably understate the matter) “traditional family values” group, is conducting a poll on gay marriage.
Internet polls are wildly unreliable, given their self-selecting nature (in this case the people most likely to take the poll are people who see it mentioned at the AFA website, which means they’re likely already disposed toward a given view of the matter). Nonetheless, the AFA will be presenting the results to Congress at some future date, and Congresscritters with a less-than-solid grasp of statistics and polling beyond raw numbers may be influenced by it.
So … why not make the poll more scientific by publicizing it beyond the AFA page? Like, say, here?
It’s a pretty straightforward and reasonably worded instrument, remarkably enough:
America’s Poll on Homosexual Marriage
– I oppose legalization of homosexual marriage and “civil unions”
– I favor legalization of homosexual marriage
– I favor a “civil union” with the full benefits of marriage except for the name
So go take the poll and maybe help hand the AFA some statistical surprises. Sure, it will probably end up getting you on some bizarre mailing lists — but that could be entertaining, too.
(via Marc)
It would be interesting to have President Bush’s response given this.
Such push polls are quite common in activist circles. The appeal for money should be coming real soon.
“Bring it on.”
And on Bush’s position, it’s an interesting one. It’s actually an in interesting blend of both religious and libertarian conservatism — or else is a sign of cowardice, which makes little sense, since it’s not like he’s likely to win the gay vote or anything.
Though I tend to agree, appallingly enough, with the director of Concerned Women for America’s Culture and Family Institute (who is, interestingly enough, not a woman) that you quote: “Let’s be clear: Creating counterfeits is no way to protect marriage, no matter what you call them.” If it’s like marriage in all ways, then call it marriage; otherwise, you’re marginalizing the concept of marriage by creating a “nearly-as-good” substitute.
Which may be the way this will play out, but that would be unfortunate, as there is tradition and case law and social and legal protections, rights, privileges and obligations inherent with marriage that would be diluted with a parallel “civil union” structure.
Where I differ with said director is with the idea that letting gay couples into the fold will somehow destroy marriage. To which I say, “Fiddlesticks.” Or that’s all I’ll say in a family blog.
As far as I can tell Bush’s position is actual one of principle rather than political expediency. Nevertheless, Bush stands to gain from his position. There is a fairly significant group of gay Republicans who while they disagree with him, respect him. Contrast this with Rick Santorum who is completely dismissed by gay Republicans. On the other hand, the Religious Right has no where else to go.
Both sides of Bush’s position are religiously motivated. The not-so-obvious side is that Bush believes that denying gay people their rights is judgmentalism.
From the following CNN story :
Even as he made it clear that he did not support the idea of gay marriage, Bush appeared to issue a call for tolerance.
“Yes, I am mindful that we’re all sinners,” the president said Wednesday when asked for his views on homosexuality. “And I caution those who may try to take the speck out of the neighbor’s eye when they’ve got a log in their own.”
“I think it’s very important for our society to respect each individual, to welcome those with good hearts, to be a welcoming country,” Bush added. “On the other hand, that does not mean that somebody like me needs to compromise on an issue such as marriage.”
Put my 0.02 cents in (adjusted for splits and inflation) and voted. The results are about 49% against, 43% in favor, 8% for “other” when I voted.
Thank you!
Current results:
36.44 against
55.24 favor
8.32 civil union
Currently 32% opposed, 59% in favor, 8% for civil unions instead.
I eagerly await hearing that the AFA has presented the results to Congress, as announced.
Of course, I’m also waiting to start getting junk e-mail from them, too.
And the charming conclusion can be found here.