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You say you want a Resolution …

Since my Firm, Dedicated, Distinct, Profound, and Willful Personal Resolutions from the past few years have been less than a stunning success, how about, “Things I’d really like to do…

Since my Firm, Dedicated, Distinct, Profound, and Willful Personal Resolutions from the past few years have been less than a stunning success, how about, “Things I’d really like to do in 2004”:

  1. Spend more time with Kitten.
  2. Get back to our cleaning regimen.
  3. Finish the buffet.
  4. Write. Edit. Write.
  5. Oh, yeah … lose weight.

Meanwhile, I see that last year I made some Blog Resolutions, too. I was a bit more successful with those:

1. Time for a redesign, at least in colors. The maroon-and-yellow has worked well, but it’s time for something fresh.

Went through a green (or dark teal) phase, then into the current white. It’s getting to be time to further tweak things.

2. Consider the overall page design. I’ve been using the same basic layout for over a year, just shuffling header graphics and colors. Is there something better?

I did change into a 3-column design, with the “Gallery of Horror” off on the left. I’m pretty happy with that at the moment.

3. Photo gallery. Something to replace Picturetrail, hosted on my site. I have that Gallery download that Seki recommended; I just need to Just Do It.

Done. Though I’d like to migrate the old stuff off PictureTrail now. *Sigh* That’s a home-for-a-few-weeks project, I fear. And then there’s all that stuff on film that needs scanning.

Actually, are there services that will do bulk scanning of photographs? Betcha there are …

4. Reduce the sidebar clutter. It needs to be done, badly. I expect to see the media reviews go away, the rings, etc., to go away, a number of the non-blog links go away, etc. If I have a hard time navigating through it, visitors must, too.

Did it. Much happier. There are still some background files that badly need cleaning up, though. Oh, and some old, traditional web pages that need to be dropped.

5. Finish my re-Categorization project.

That’s a never-ending tale, as I figure out new categories all the time. It’s a lot better than it was, though. Now I need to find a way to make categories-by-year … and, better yet, generate dynamic category (and monthly) archives, rather than store them as such.

I need a printable (and, thus, printed) archive format, too.

Anything else in the Blog Resolutions for 2004 besides the above notes? Can’t think of much. Suggestions are always welcome, of course. In, I suppose, either category.

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