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I, Robot

Yeah, this is about what I’m afraid of. And Susan Calvin, the super-sexy sizzling cybernetics expert with hot pouty lips … Kill me now ……

Yeah, this is about what I’m afraid of.

And Susan Calvin, the super-sexy sizzling cybernetics expert with hot pouty lips …

Kill me now …

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18 thoughts on “I, Robot

  1. Yep…

    Take a look at this as well, just to confirm your death wish:

    Ever read Harlan Ellison’s script (published as a book) for a film? He worked with Isaac Asimov on it, it had Asimov’s blessings, alas, the film studios seem to be inhabited by members of the shallow end of the gene pool, so of course it would not get made.

    If you haven’t read it, try or or other search services and buy it–hardcover and tradepaperback editions available. It’s a great tale, and you can envision What Should Have Been once the Will Smith excrement hits the silver screen.

  2. Thanks Fred for the scary info.

    Right, One fewer movie to see this summer. Will Smith is becoming WillShiva Destroyer of Movies.

  3. Oh my Lord — Nightfall is, to my mind, the worst film ever produced. I am serious. Leadenly plotted, leadenly acted, and So Damned Serious and Artsy in its tone it could cut you. A horrible, horrible desecration of a fine (if light) Asimov tale.

    The only movie I ever went to that I was tempted to walk out on.

  4. I am a very tolerant guy. And I am easily entertained. But …

    Bad films come in different levels of badness:

    1. Disappointingly bad. – “I had such high hopes. I mean, it was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, but not much.” E.g., The Wild, Wild West
    2. Annoyingly bad. – “This not only is disappointing, but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth for other creations by this writer/actor/director.” E.g., Star Wars I, II
    3. Hilariously bad. – “It’s so bad, it’s pathetic, and, thus, funny.” E.g., Plan Nine from Outer Space
    4. Soul-piercingly bad. – “Run! Run! Ruuuuuunnnnnn!!!!” E.g., Nightfall
  5. Funny!

    My definitions would be

    1. Return of the Jedi, Ep. 1, and Ep. 2: Aaarrrggghh! He can’t make one worse then the last one, I mean the law of averages has to balance out at some point in time.

    2. Annoyingly bad: Titanic. “Hell, a Scoobie-doo ending would have been better!?!”

    3. Hilariously bad: Where to start…all MST3K good times!

    4. Soul-piercingly bad: Fight club. The only movie I demanded my money back on. “So, the idea is that some guy is beating the crap out of himself in a parking lot, and some other idiots see him, and instead of avoiding the crazy person, decide that the crazy person beating the crap out of himself is some sort of spiritual leader.” The only way this movie could have been worse was if it was performed by Jar-Jar Binks and Ewoks. Well, ok, that might have moved it up to Hilariously Bad.

  6. Which just goes to show that There’s No Accounting for Taste, and That Why We Have Horse Races. I thought Fight Club was pretty cool — odd and surreal and sometimes overly-goofy, but certainly not that bad.

    But, then, I liked Howard the Duck, so go fig.

  7. Yep, I wish the Ellison book was made into a movie instead of what we appear to be getting.

    I recall–1980 or thereabouts???–plans were afoot to do Clarke’s “Childhood’s End”–some really neat pre-production art surfaced. Never happened, alas. Also, roughly the same time was a plan to do the “Foundation” movies kind of like the way Jackson did “Ring”–film all three books at once, get them all done. But this plan was one better than “Ring”, instead of one a year, it was going to be one every few months, so you’d see the whole trilogy in one year. Again, some neat artwork surfaced, but no movie.

    I think SkiiiFiii announced plans for a Foundation movie or two (IIRC, it was the three books into two movies), but I haven’t heard anything recently. The only news I’ve been hearing is on “Earthsea” and the like.

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