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Easter Dinner

Faboo time with the Testerfolk, Randy, Stan, and Jackie’s friend Angie. Preliminary snacks by Randy, then ham, potatoes, some nice dinner and dessert (and hors d’oevre) wine, and amazing cheesecake…

Faboo time with the Testerfolk, Randy, Stan, and Jackie’s friend Angie. Preliminary snacks by Randy, then ham, potatoes, some nice dinner and dessert (and hors d’oevre) wine, and amazing cheesecake and chocolate tort stuff (from Jackie) with toppings by Margie. An occasion to break out the good china, silver, and crystal, and to have a good time. Most excellent.

Needless to say, I utterly blew any semblance of diet this week, in aggregate.

Everyone bailed around 7:45 so they could get home to watch Alias. Ha, ha, ha. Just as well, because I’m ready to crash …

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5 thoughts on “Easter Dinner”

  1. Margie and Jackie out did themselves in foody goodness. Thanks Margie and Jackie!

    Did you add in your three laps around the block? That had to have counted for at leat the prualine suace covered ginger snap (did anybody get photos of the spillage on your shirt?).

    Also, don’t feel too bad, Marn (everybodies favorite canukistani) fell off the wagon yesterday too, eh.

    I also feel that Doyce needs more wine in him when playing Taboo…you know just because. Plus you’ve got to love a game where most of the questions are described in Dr. Who, Movie, or Comics references. It didn’t help that I got Jubilee and Jinx confused (sorry).

  2. No, it wasn’t that it was Jinx, it was that “a recent member of the X-Men” encompasses about two hundred characters …

    And, yes, I did include the exercise. Even with that, I was at about 160% of daily calorie budget (and ended up the week at 1539 calories over). On the other hand, I still lost two pounds last week, as of this morning’s weighing in, so go fig.

  3. Well you are still going down (Weight that is), and that is a good thing. Plus your body was probably so happy to get rich food over the past few days that it just freaked out and burnt it instead of storing it.

    And, yes the only thing worse then refering to the X-men would have been refering to the JLA.

  4. Well…You know. Once you get a geek biting on one Dr. Who reference you might as well get the same geek to bite on a Dr. Who reference referring to the first Dr. Who reference.

    Though it was fun to see the completely blank stares of Jackie and Angie as Margie was whipping out the Dr. Who hints.

    At least she didn’t get to the point of saying something like…

    “The Fifth Doctor who prevented what from happening on the Plague ship with Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough….You know that one that Nyssa got left the series on.”

    “The Fifth Doctor who prevented what from happening on the Plauge ship

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