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Weight update

Remarkably enough, besides going 150% calorie-wise while the Big Boss was out visiting (and may I recommend Luke’s – A Steak Place in Wheat Ridge? A faboo steak house in…

Remarkably enough, besides going 150% calorie-wise while the Big Boss was out visiting (and may I recommend Luke’s – A Steak Place in Wheat Ridge? A faboo steak house in a strip mall. Who’da thunk?), and not getting some of my exercise to boot, I still dropped a little this week, down to 216. Huzzah!

Next few weeks should be more normal, and more amenable at lunch to walking. I’ve found a more interesting route to take, so that will help. I’ve also discovered, on hot days, that a full-sized Jamba Juice is as refreshing and filling as a Tokyo Joe’s rice bowl, and a few hundred calories less, so I’ll be doing some of that, too.

I’ve decided, though, to do weighings on Tuesday and Friday, not Monday and Friday. The last two Mondays my weight has spiked up a few, and been back down by Tuesday, so I think this will help smooth the graph a bit.

Sooner or later I know things will plateau, but I’m enjoying the coast downhill just fine while it lasts.

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4 thoughts on “Weight update”

  1. Yes…Luke’s is shockingly good.

    as is…

    Cherry Crest Seafood Market & Restaurant

    …Down by you. A little whole in the wall place with good stuff.

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