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Clothes lines

First the good news … Up in my closet, I found a big bag full of dress ties I’d pulled out of rotation a long time ago (probably when we…

First the good news …

Up in my closet, I found a big bag full of dress ties I’d pulled out of rotation a long time ago (probably when we went to business casual in the office), Some fun, wild stuff. Happy.

And in a big bag next to it: suspenders! Which is pretty handy when dealing with pants that are a scosh or more too large (and while I don’t want to buy more pants, not knowing where my waistline is going.

Which brings us to the … well, don’t know as I can call it bad news, but …

We finally found a cheap dry cleaners in the area, so we were going through the long-term dry cleaning stack, which included a number of dress slacks, suit slacks, etc. I hadn’t pressed for the dry cleaning myself, because it was mostly (a) ties, which I wasn’t wearing, and (b) slacks, which I didn’t fit any more.

So before we actually took any of it to the cleaners, I decided to try them on, to see if they’d started fitting again. I mean, why get something cleaned if …

… uh, what the –?

… Okay, so they were too big for me. But, well, I knew I was no longer fitting 42s, but I didn’t think I had —

— huh?

They’re 40s? Must be a glitch in this one, I’ll just —

… 40s? A 40 waist is too big for me?

Son of a — well, boo-yah! That’s pretty damned keen!

Inconvenient, but keen!

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2 thoughts on “Clothes lines”

  1. Back when I wore ties (we’re talking 1984-8 here), I found that dry cleaners screwed ties up more often than they made them better. I decided it wasn’t worth it. I imagine some places are better than others. You might want to take a small sample of ties to this new place before letting them screw up a whole bunch of ties.

    You also might want to try to reunify your parallel universes 🙂 — in once place you say the pants are too big, but in another you say they’re too small!

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