I am informed by one of my readers (hi, Dave!) that the previous Mozilla display problems have been cleaned up.
Today, for the first time ever, Mozilla displays your blog the way I think you want it to (with your pictures on the left, and a sidebar of stuff on the right).
Whatever you changed made things Mozilla-compatible. Good on yer!
Huzzah. The Flea was having a similar problem, and I took the advice of one of the folks commenting there and ran it through the W3 validator. That cleaned up a few things, but also pointed me toward some potential doctype issues, which I changed to make the doctype here Transitional rather than Strict (being a kind of non-strict guy, myself).
And, evidently, fiddling with it enough had the desired result (which, I’ve discovered, is the secret to web design). So problem solved, unless someone wants to write me to tell me that things still looked screwed up in your browser.
Ah, thank you Dave, I have always thought things looked a little bit off, so it’s great to see your blog in all it’s glory!
Good work!
Well, things are always a bit off here, but I’m glad to hear they’re off in an intentional fashion.
Yay! I can finally view your blog in Camino from work.
I live but to serve.