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My wife has faith in me

She gave me an early Fathers Day gift for our upcoming vacation. Jeans. Size 38. Still a bit snug — though not as snug as 40s were on me a…

She gave me an early Fathers Day gift for our upcoming vacation. Jeans. Size 38.

Still a bit snug — though not as snug as 40s were on me a few months back (which is why I have a closet full of falling-off-of-me 42s). Probably won’t wear them. Yet.

But soon.

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3 thoughts on “My wife has faith in me”

  1. Woo HOO!

    Dave, kudos.

    It’s tough to clean up our diets and to fold exercise into our lives and it’s so cool to see your committment to this. Watching the incredible shrinking waist must be so satisfying!

    Last night Paul and I went to the wake of a friend who toppled over at 56 which is much, much too young. Ate too much, drank too much, smoked too much and wasn’t much of a one to leave the sofa.

    And now he’s about to be put on the wrong side of the grass.

    None of us have any guarantees, of course. Still, I think that any efforts we make to improve our health can’t help but have some payback.

    I, of course, plan to live forever or as close to forever as I can come. This life business is just far too much fun to cut short, eh?

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