The only thing more dangerous to me than a book store …
… is a library used book sale.
Given that the books ranged from $1.00 (kids books) to $2.00 (the latter for hardcovers), you can figure out for our $80-odd how many books we ended up with. About 2/3 new, about 1/3 replacing worn-out paperbacks with hardcovers.
Drool …
I am sick with envy. Seriously.
I *love* used book sales and hit our library’s every summer. This year I got there 15 minutes too late and an evil woman scooped up *all* the quality fiction. Grrrrrrrr.
On Sunday, they sell books by the bag. By the bag. $6/bag. I hear it’s brutal.
Library book sales *dreamy sigh* Tim and I once had to check two boxes of books for our flight home from Florida after attending the mother of all library book sales on vacation.