Of all the innovations one might hope for in the food industry, colored salt does not seem high on my list …
We couldn’t see how much salt we were sprinkling on our food, so we introduced What’s Shakin! Colored Table Salt.
Unless it’s an unfamiliar salt shaker, I’m usually pretty sure how much salt I’ve put on things. And since I do it to taste, seeing the amount is a lot less important than taking a bite to see if I have it right.
Since you can see it you use less – and it looks great on food too!
That’s what parsley is for.
(via J-Walk)
Might be a big hit in the mid-west and the south where they pour salt on everything.
Me, other then tomatoes and pop-corn (if I can’t find seasoned salt or grated parmesan to put on it), I see no reason to add salt to things that probably has more then enough salt in it already.
What I find most odd is that the colors are not what I would call appetizing. Blue salt on my potatoes just doesn’t make my mouth water.
They have red salt at a fish restaurant down the street from us. I wasn’t sure it was salt until I tasted it.