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Just the thing I need …

… another TV show to watch. To wit, SciFi’s new Battlestar Galactica, which I finally watched the mini-series of this afternoon, whilst cleaning. I wouldn’t put it at B5/Firefly class,…

… another TV show to watch. To wit, SciFi’s new Battlestar Galactica, which I finally watched the mini-series of this afternoon, whilst cleaning.

I wouldn’t put it at B5/Firefly class, or even Farscape, but it’s good, solid “war in space” stuff, lacking the hokiness of the original, but with enough of an homage to it to satisfy nostalgia for same. Some marvelously grim bits (including one little girl who really reminded me of Katherine), but decent entertainment, and a whole load of plot hooks it will be interesting to watch.

Thank heavens for the DVR …

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4 thoughts on “Just the thing I need …”

  1. Well, I don’t know about the mini, but 10 minutes into the first regular ep, I hit my threshhold for self-important directing. I don’t think any shot lasted over 5 seconds, the action seemed to jump from present to past and between characters in a manner most bewildering, and the multitude of quick shots of clocks showing a countdown (including a dozen or so rapid shots of different clocks all hitting 0:00, apparently to show the supreme importance of the countdown of an event that occurs every 33 minutes!) just grated. My DVR is no longer set to tape this show.

  2. Well I never saw Farscape and I’m not sure it’s fair to compare it Firefly I do think it’s way ahead of B5’s pilot and first few episodes. I loved B5 but the pilot was poor and it took a good chunk of the first season to get it’s footing. The new BSG already feels up to speed in the way the second season of B5 felt. All they need to do know is work their way from where they are.

    I don’t think the Firefly comparison is fair because they are two very different styles of show. BSG is epic involving a large number of characters in a huge plot. Firefly was a small character based drama.

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