So when did Valentine’s Day become a school candy fest?
When I was a kid (shortly after the invention of candy), we did have the standard “Everyone Trade Cheap Cards With Everyone In The Class, Even The Kids You Don’t Like, So That Nobody Feels Left Out” soiree, but, aside from the occasional little heart candy with a message (always carefully picked out), there wasn’t much in the way of eats.
Katherine, on the other hand, came home loaded for bear, especially bears with sweet teeth. There were plenty of cards (and I envy the parents who only had to have their kids inscribe “Noah” on the FROM line, rather than “Katherine”), but even most of them were carrying cases for some sort of sweet.
Of course, who am I to talk? Through some strange happenstance, this year became a Best Buy Valentine’s Day, and Katherine and Margie netted some DVDs as the objects of my affection. Throw in a trip to the store with Kitten to pick out a (very attractive, her choice) Valentine’s Day card for Mommy, though, and it wasn’t a bad celebration.
Nero Wolfe! Excellent! That series was sooooo much better than the William Conrad series 25 years ago! Does Margie read the books? I have a complete set, which I’ve read multiple times, and I’m on the Nero Wolfe e-mail list (my “nom” is “Mister”).
Yes, we both read the books and enjoyed the series quite a bit.
Do you remember which book was your first? I conducted an informal poll on the list, and Some Buried Caesar was the first one for a majority of us. I know I chose it because of the intriguing title.
I don’t think I started with Fer-de-Lance, but it might have been The Rubber Band.